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Another "common sense" cyclist



New Rider
Cadence Cadet

My name is Jose, a Spanish living in Germany without a car and cycling everywhere.

I found this website when looking for bike information. It is the modern version of Sheldon Brown with a Serbian accent :)

I also like bikes that are long lasting, easy to repair, reliable and versatile. Don't care about racing or marginal gains, and find most modern bikes today ugly or ridiculously expensive for what they offer. I despise incompatibility and planned obsolescence.

Funnily, one of my best friends is a guy also from Novy Sad. Unfortunately he's not into bikes although I keep trying to convince him.

My name is Jose, a Spanish living in Germany without a car and cycling everywhere.

I found this website when looking for bike information. It is the modern version of Sheldon Brown with a Serbian accent :)

I also like bikes that are long lasting, easy to repair, reliable and versatile. Don't care about racing or marginal gains, and find most modern bikes today ugly or ridiculously expensive for what they offer. I despise incompatibility and planned obsolescence.

Funnily, one of my best friends is a guy also from Novy Sad. Unfortunately he's not into bikes although I keep trying to convince him.

Hello and welcome. :)

The Sheldon Brown with a Slavic accent comparison is both heartwarming and funny at the same time. Thanks. :)


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