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Bafang rear hub motor disassembly problem



New Rider
Saddle Sage
After 13,000 km of use, suddenly the motor began making a "clunk" noise on every rotation, and I've found that the sound is absent when under full throttle full speed. I'm assuming that a magnet or two became loose, although pressing on the magnets where I could, did not show any apparent looseness.

My question is this: do you have any ideas on how to best separate the planetary gears unit ( it looks fine and I already have replacement) from the rest of the motor ( it is stuck on after nearly 4 years and simply banging the motor down does not separate the two pieces). I don't want to spend a lot of $ to buy a quality pulling tool and I am wary of buying some junk that may not work.
Any clues, please?
After 13,000 km of use, suddenly the motor began making a "clunk" noise on every rotation, and I've found that the sound is absent when under full throttle full speed. I'm assuming that a magnet or two became loose, although pressing on the magnets where I could, did not show any apparent looseness.

My question is this: do you have any ideas on how to best separate the planetary gears unit ( it looks fine and I already have replacement) from the rest of the motor ( it is stuck on after nearly 4 years and simply banging the motor down does not separate the two pieces). I don't want to spend a lot of $ to buy a quality pulling tool and I am wary of buying some junk that may not work.
Any clues, please?

Unfortunately, no. Maybe someone sees this and has a solution, but I don't.

I solved the first issue of the difficulty getting the parts to separate; I drove the motor until it made a terrible sound and seized up inside. Upon opening it up again, I found that the nylon gears were completely trashed and ripped apart. Then I could separate the motor pieces easily with a small tap down onto some wood. I already had a spare gears clutch assembly ready to install when the originals wore out.
I've had a weird struggle with the small pawl type of metal that keeps the gears unit from spinning around, as it came out easily but would not fit back into its trench in the through axle, no matter how I manipulated it. So I used the dremel to wear down the edges a bit and then it went into its trench. Now to put wheel back on and see if I fixed the initial noisy problem or if something is is still loose and making noise or if I ruined the motor.

I had already bought a new motor during my struggles with the old one, so one way or another I should have it going again soon and probably I'll be good for years with the ebike and two 48v 17 Ah batteries and 2 motors.

I prefer that nothing on my bike is proprietary, and I'm glad I didn't have to go to Bosch or Canondale or whomever, to get THEIR approved service tech and authorization.
Well, I installed the planetary gears module and the motor works. In the morning I'll go for grocery specials to give it a real test run. I can hardly believe that in a couple of months it will be five years old. I thought it was going to be 4.

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