After 13,000 km of use, suddenly the motor began making a "clunk" noise on every rotation, and I've found that the sound is absent when under full throttle full speed. I'm assuming that a magnet or two became loose, although pressing on the magnets where I could, did not show any apparent looseness.
My question is this: do you have any ideas on how to best separate the planetary gears unit ( it looks fine and I already have replacement) from the rest of the motor ( it is stuck on after nearly 4 years and simply banging the motor down does not separate the two pieces). I don't want to spend a lot of $ to buy a quality pulling tool and I am wary of buying some junk that may not work.
Any clues, please?
My question is this: do you have any ideas on how to best separate the planetary gears unit ( it looks fine and I already have replacement) from the rest of the motor ( it is stuck on after nearly 4 years and simply banging the motor down does not separate the two pieces). I don't want to spend a lot of $ to buy a quality pulling tool and I am wary of buying some junk that may not work.
Any clues, please?