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Custom bicycle frame building



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I got a question via email, but I think that the answer might help more people if posted here, and I also hope to see more recommendations and feedback from other forum members. The question:

I was wondering if you could recommend any frame manufacturers who specialize in custom builds? I would really appreciate any advice you might have on this.

Here are a few I can think of:

Strela bicycles​

"Strela" (eng. "Arrow") from Moscow, Russia, made some nice frames for some people in my country (their Instagram profile link):
I'm not sure if they are still working and making frames.

Richard Sachs​

An experienced (i.e. old :) ) frame builder from the US. The official website:

As far as I know, orders take months or longer, and prices are in thousands of US dollars, but the frames do look nice and customers seem quite happy.

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