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Frame in way of housing



New Rider
Saddle Sage
Ah, I'm back at it again with the bike maintenance, this time attempting to install new cable housing, rear derailleur, front derailleur and rear mechanical disk brake!

Unfortunately, on my Giant ATX 3, it seems the frame is in the way where my housing needs to go. It does fit in, but requires a very sharp turn in the housing which seems to go against golden rule #3 in housing routing:



The annoying thing is, I can't remember how it originally went in.

I'm pretty sure I must be doing something wrong.

Any help would be appreciated.

Ah, I'm back at it again with the bike maintenance, this time attempting to install new cable housing, rear derailleur, front derailleur and rear mechanical disk brake!

Unfortunately, on my Giant ATX 3, it seems the frame is in the way where my housing needs to go. It does fit in, but requires a very sharp turn in the housing which seems to go against golden rule #3 in housing routing:

View attachment 220
View attachment 221

The annoying thing is, I can't remember how it originally went in.

I'm pretty sure I must be doing something wrong.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi Luke,

You are on the right track - that's about how I'd run it.

Despite the popular opinion, sharp cable/housing angles are not nearly as problematic as the total aggregate amount of turn degrees. So, I wouldn't sweat a sharp angle too much.

Having said that, once the housing end is inserted into the "barrel" adjuster on the brake caliper, you should be able to get a nice and smooth line - I tried to draw it here (sorry for the blurry image):

Rear mechanical disc brake cable routing


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