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Luke Morgan (aka. It's a wonderful world)



New Rider
Saddle Sage
Hello, I am Luke!

I really enjoy everything I do, but some of my special interests are swimming, swim teaching, linux, and so much more.

I love the bike gremlin site because it has so much detailed information, encourages fixing any mistakes and discussion around it. The world needs more sites like these in all areas.
Hi Luke,

Nice to meet you.

Welcome, and thank you for the very good question you posted - it will help improve that article for any other readers. I highly appreciate the time you took to read and post your feedback.

Now, if my question is not too indescrete: what is your favourite Linux distribution?
(I mostly run Mint nowadays, but Kali and old Red-Hat do have a special place in my heart :) )

Relja Novović
Hi Luke,

Nice to meet you.

Welcome, and thank you for the very good question you posted - it will help improve that article for any other readers. I highly appreciate the time you took to read and post your feedback.

Now, if my question is not too indescrete: what is your favourite Linux distribution?
(I mostly run Mint nowadays, but Kali and old Red-Hat do have a special place in my heart :) )

Relja Novović
Hi Relja,

I use arch with the dwm window manager, because of the amazingly low resource usage. I love how it is so fast and snappy all the time, even on my not-so-powerful laptop. I also love the customizability of it.

If you had asked me half a year ago what distribution everyone should use, I would have 100% have recommended Arch Linux to everyone with the time to learn it. However, recently, I have become aware of the importance of abstraction. And now I realize why GUIs are so powerful and much better than CLIs in most use cases.

If I could go back in time, I wouldn't take the time to learn Arch, and instead use Linux Mint. With the time I saved, I would study a topic in depth, create some good habits to increase productivity, exercise or create something like a website.
Ohhhh... Hello to the Linux brothers! 🤝
I have been working in the Arch Linux environment (EndeavourOS) for many years. I started back when the Antergos project was alive...
Relja, i've been using Linux Mint for a while. And it may seem strange, but it seemed to me more complicated and "heavy". And it was completely destroyed twice so that I could not restore it.
After numerous trials in a virtual machine, I settled on Arch ;)
Over the past five years, I have encountered only one problem - GRUB was destroyed. And I didn't even look for the reason for it. I just booted from a USB drive, and via fakeroot fixed the problem with two commands in the console :)
I really think Arch is very simple and lightweight.
Therefore, only Arch... Only KDE... 😊😊😊
I do not know what happens on other systems, but Arch does not even need to install Tor Browser, for example. It is enough to download the archive from the official Tor page, extract the files to any location and simply run the file with a double click ;)

Relja, i've been using Linux Mint for a while. And it may seem strange, but it seemed to me more complicated and "heavy". And it was completely destroyed twice so that I could not restore it.
After numerous trials in a virtual machine, I settled on Arch ;)
Over the past five years, I have encountered only one problem - GRUB was destroyed. And I didn't even look for the reason for it. I just booted from a USB drive, and via fakeroot fixed the problem with two commands in the console :)
I really think Arch is very simple and lightweight.
Therefore, only Arch... Only KDE... 😊😊😊
I do not know what happens on other systems, but Arch does not even need to install Tor Browser, for example. It is enough to download the archive from the official Tor page, extract the files to any location and simply run the file with a double click ;)

View attachment 129

Mint is not the lightest of distros - especially with the Cinnamon desktop.

Though, it does run fine on my decade-old workshop laptop, and in virutal machines on my desktop. And it's very convenient to use - for a Linux. :)

A "fun-find" - for some decades-old hardware, I used AntiX Linux to get it running: :)


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