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Mediavine Grow double opt in newsletter subscriptions?



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Wheel Wizard
Here's a question I got via email (name redacted for privacy reasons):

Hi Relja,

I came across your article (https://io.bikegremlin.com/29602/mediavine-monetization-review/) and was wondering how you solved the problem with the double opt in via the Grow Subscriber list.

I get a few signups per day (since I started using Journey). But from a GDPR perspective, I can hardly use these addresses in country_redacted_by_BikeGremlin.
What was your trick?
Thanks in advance,

I connected a MailChimp account to Grow (in the Grow admin panel - publishers.grow.me).
And I could then use the MailChimp subscribe field embed, like on this page:

It isn't an elegant solution that uses the Grow's interface directly.

Having said that, it is fair to note that I gave up on mailing lists generally.
I don't like getting nor sending spam.
I've created a forum for staying in touch with people who are interested to stay in touch, and forum does allow me to message or email all the registered members should I need or wish to do that.

Mediavine and Grow don't care about implementing double opt in (or options for further limiting the...

I connected a MailChimp account to Grow (in the Grow admin panel - publishers.grow.me).
And I could then use the MailChimp subscribe field embed, like on this page:

It isn't an elegant solution that uses the Grow's interface directly.

Having said that, it is fair to note that I gave up on mailing lists generally.
I don't like getting nor sending spam.
I've created a forum for staying in touch with people who are interested to stay in touch, and forum does allow me to message or email all the registered members should I need or wish to do that.

Mediavine and Grow don't care about implementing double opt in (or options for further limiting the number of adverts on a page, especially on mobile). Greed, I suppose.


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