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My introduction

Hello again . I first saw of the forum addy when i watched you tube vid..I think the first was diff of index vs. friction shifters. The second was your you tube vid on i think its "cup bearings" ?..now i am hooked !..I am the proud owner of a 1978 or so motobecan 10 speed "mirage". silver blue.. with friction shifters on the down tube :)..I decided to do an overhaul of the bike ..all original parts except for the curly handle bars and brake levers ..i wasn't much a fan of the drop bars..we used to spin the up .."up tubes" lol..anyways..then i took the rear axle out the other day for cleaning ..bearings fell out and i was uh oh ! ..then i saw your vid on cleaning rear freehubs..Perfect in my case because as you archive it is 9 bearings each side ..This is great thanks for the site !!
I am still getting used to your site so navigating is slow for me ..yet next question will probably be about cassettes and chains..The original was a 14/32 T rear freehub..what we have in stock at the store as of today is a 14/28 sunrace rear freewheel
we have access to jbi bike.. quality bike parts coworkers call it Q.. and other brand specific companies
All diff brands road/gravel/cruiser/mountain/and ebikes in all categories this is really cool thanks again for your site. We are going to get along just fine you and i :-)
my fav are the cross bikes ..some road some dirt nothing too crazy i am 58 so i am a lil cautios these days ..yet the other day got my radmission 1 ebike out for a spin
26.1 mph max .. my state here MA governs the e- bikes at 28 mph ..i was almost there..lol.. there are ways to tweak the speed of course :-)
and the chains we are a big part of kmc chains distribution here onna cape cod MA ..that is where i live ..BikeZone Cape Cod is where i work just for the record ;-)
I am still getting used to your site so navigating is slow for me ..yet next question will probably be about cassettes and chains..The original was a 14/32 T rear freehub..what we have in stock at the store as of today is a 14/28 sunrace rear freewheel
we have access to jbi bike.. quality bike parts coworkers call it Q.. and other brand specific companies
All diff brands road/gravel/cruiser/mountain/and ebikes in all categories this is really cool thanks again for your site. We are going to get along just fine you and i :-)
my fav are the cross bikes ..some road some dirt nothing too crazy i am 58 so i am a lil cautios these days ..yet the other day got my radmission 1 ebike out for a spin
26.1 mph max .. my state here MA governs the e- bikes at 28 mph ..i was almost there..lol.. there are ways to tweak the speed of course :-)

I’ve removed the post with your email for spam and privacy protection.

Please let me know what problems you’re facing navigating the website. I aim to make it user-friendly (it too has a decent search, and structured menu), so will try to improve it based on feedback.

I’m on CET time (1 PM now in Serbia - and in Sicily :) ).

hello again ..day off from work ..way cool
just bought an 14/32 rear free hub..i think it is better to stay with the same ratios
even tho friction shifters can do alot

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