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Shimano STX



New Rider
Hub Hero
I started to repair my derailleur. It didn't shift so well. I found out that I have the Shimano STX series. After more searching I found out that my parts are from the group: MC32. (this artikel: https://www.retrobike.co.uk/threads/shimano-groupsets-years-and-m-numbers.439342/, helped me with that).
As far as I can see for now, almost everything is from the same group. Except my shift and brake lever. This is not the original (ST-MC32 or 35, if I follow the earlier mentioned site). The service instructions says the same.
My local bicycle shop had, lucky enough, an ST-MC32 shift/brake lever, and a ST-MC30 shift/brake lever. My question is: is the ST-MC30 compatible with the 32 group? And what is the difference? Is it only another building year?

I'm pretty new to this kind of stuff, and it is not easy for me to find my way through it. How more I search, how more information, how more I'm getting lost :unsure:

I started to repair my derailleur. It didn't shift so well. I found out that I have the Shimano STX series. After more searching I found out that my parts are from the group: MC32. (this artikel: https://www.retrobike.co.uk/threads/shimano-groupsets-years-and-m-numbers.439342/, helped me with that).
As far as I can see for now, almost everything is from the same group. Except my shift and brake lever. This is not the original (ST-MC32 or 35, if I follow the earlier mentioned site). The service instructions says the same.
My local bicycle shop had, lucky enough, an ST-MC32 shift/brake lever, and a ST-MC30 shift/brake lever. My question is: is the ST-MC30 compatible with the 32 group? And what is the difference? Is it...
I started to repair my derailleur. It didn't shift so well. I found out that I have the Shimano STX series. After more searching I found out that my parts are from the group: MC32. (this artikel: https://www.retrobike.co.uk/threads/shimano-groupsets-years-and-m-numbers.439342/, helped me with that).
As far as I can see for now, almost everything is from the same group. Except my shift and brake lever. This is not the original (ST-MC32 or 35, if I follow the earlier mentioned site). The service instructions says the same.
My local bicycle shop had, lucky enough, an ST-MC32 shift/brake lever, and a ST-MC30 shift/brake lever. My question is: is the ST-MC30 compatible with the 32 group? And what is the difference? Is it only another building year?

I'm pretty new to this kind of stuff, and it is not easy for me to find my way through it. How more I search, how more information, how more I'm getting lost :unsure:


Hi Arne,

ST-MC32 is STX 7-speed series
ST-MC35 is STX RC 7-speed

ST-MC30 is older STX 7-speed series

As far as I know, they should all work fine with 7-speed Shimano-compatible cassettes (both freehub, and freewheel mounted ones), and with any Shimano 6-7-8-9 speed rear derailleurs.


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