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The best bicycle bottom bracket standard?



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Wheel Wizard
A question I got in a YouTube video comment, regarding what I recommend to get, and what to avoid (posting the answer below, because it's a good question, but comments and replies get lost on YouTube):

Thanks. Any thoughts on bottom brackets?
The full answer:

Shimano Hollowtech II threaded are probably the least bad (or best, depending on whether your glass is hafl-full or half-empty :) ).

How to inspect HT II bearings for wear:

Why square taper is not perfect:

Why Octalink sucks:

Other 2-piece crank standards are merely a less-than-optimal work around the Shimano-patent-protected 24 mm steel axle, and I consider them to be slightly inferior despite the marketing.

The full answer:

Shimano Hollowtech II threaded are probably the least bad (or best, depending on whether your glass is hafl-full or half-empty :) ).

How to inspect HT II bearings for wear:

Why square taper is not perfect:

Why Octalink sucks:

Other 2-piece crank standards are merely a less-than-optimal work around the Shimano-patent-protected 24 mm steel axle, and I consider them to be slightly inferior despite the marketing.


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