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What do you think about adjustable square taper bottom brackets?



New Rider
Cadence Cadet
Relja, what do you think about adjustable square taper bottom brackets? I can think of one negative point which is the inability of changing the chain line by using a different length of the axle compared to a square taper catridge bottom bracket.
Relja, what do you think about adjustable square taper bottom brackets? I can think of one negative point which is the inability of changing the chain line by using a different length of the axle compared to a square taper catridge bottom bracket.

Do you mean the ones with a cup and cone system?
For those it used to be possible to source different axle lengths.

Nowadays, the quality of available components is very low - while the cartridge square taper bottom bracket bearings seem to last for years.

So, I actually prefer the cartridge square taper bottom brackets to the cup-and-cone systems. No need for adjustment, annual service, and they often last for a whole decade (depending on how much one rides and whether the axle breaks - which is the bane of all square taper axle systems).


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