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Where to Find Spoke Diameter Gauge



Frequent Pedaler
Hub Hero
Is there a tool to quickly measure spoke diameter (eg, 1.8mm, 2.0mm) without having to use a caliper or micrometer? I'm thinking of something like a ruler with slots on the side that you can slip a spoke into. This would be faster because you would find the smallest slot that your spoke can fit through and that's the size. Much like pushing ball bearings through calibrated holes in a spoke ruler, but you can't use holes with spokes because their threads would not pass through, being thicker than the body. The famous Park and Unior spoke rulers can measure length, but not diameter. Attached is something similar for measuring sheet metal thickness. I'm looking for something like this, but for spoke diameter. Seems like it would be a useful tool, so I'm surprised it's not offered on the popular Park or Unior spoke rulers. I saw a bicycle mechanic using something like this in a bike shop once.

Is there a tool to quickly measure spoke diameter (eg, 1.8mm, 2.0mm) without having to use a caliper or micrometer? I'm thinking of something like a ruler with slots on the side that you can slip a spoke into. This would be faster because you would find the smallest slot that your spoke can fit through and that's the size. Much like pushing ball bearings through calibrated holes in a spoke ruler, but you can't use holes with spokes because their threads would not pass through, being thicker than the body. The famous Park and Unior spoke rulers can measure length, but not diameter. Attached is something similar for measuring sheet metal thickness. I'm looking for something like this, but for spoke diameter. Seems like it would be a useful tool, so I'm surprised it's not offered on the popular Park or Unior spoke rulers. I saw a bicycle mechanic using something like this in a bike shop once.

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It's a neat idea. I would probably buy that if I found it (though, in practice, I would probably use digital calipers - as I do for bearing balls :) ).


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