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Why my speaker of KVM switch doesn't work?



New Rider
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Hi, everybody. Actually I got a KVM switch recently for my work. However, after I connect all required devices together successfully, I found my speaker didn't work. I have checked the connected cables and my audio on my computers for many times, but it still didn't work. I couldn't hear anything. Anyone can give me a solution? Or any other recommended KVM products for me? Thanks so much.
Hi, everybody. Actually I got a KVM switch recently for my work. However, after I connect all required devices together successfully, I found my speaker didn't work. I have checked the connected cables and my audio on my computers for many times, but it still didn't work. I couldn't hear anything. Anyone can give me a solution? Or any other recommended KVM products for me? Thanks so much.


AFAIK, that KVM switch (Kinan XU0104) doesn't support audio switching.

What I do with a similar switch is just connect (a separate) audio to each computer, while using the switch for the keyboard+mouse+monitor only.

An alternative, and more expensive solution - the two models listed in this post do allow for audio transmission...
Hi, everybody. Actually I got a KVM switch recently for my work. However, after I connect all required devices together successfully, I found my speaker didn't work. I have checked the connected cables and my audio on my computers for many times, but it still didn't work. I couldn't hear anything. Anyone can give me a solution? Or any other recommended KVM products for me? Thanks so much.


AFAIK, that KVM switch (Kinan XU0104) doesn't support audio switching.

What I do with a similar switch is just connect (a separate) audio to each computer, while using the switch for the keyboard+mouse+monitor only.

An alternative, and more expensive solution - the two models listed in this post do allow for audio transmission:


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