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How to register and post a comment/question on BikeGremlin forum?
A step-by-step tutorial for registration and posting on this forum. Most forums use the same (or a very similar) procedure, and forums are awesome! :) There are only a couple of steps, but I made screenshots for every notification, just in case it might confuse anyone - to explain it as best as I can. :) Basically, you must register, and then you can post questions or reply to the existing topics. Table Of Contents (T.O.C.): How to register (open your account) on the BikeGremlin forum How to post a question or reply to a comment How to "install" the BikeGremin forum smartphone "application" 1. How can you register on BikeGremlin forum? To register, you should either use your Gmail (or GitHub) account, or choose a username...
Why I chose to build my forum with XenForo?
This forum is powered by the XenForo software (a link to the official website). I already wrote about how I built this forum. Now, this picture clearly shows how much a loathe Xenos: 🙃 the shirt :) So, why did I chose XenForo, instead of some other forum software? Let me try to explain: 1. Background (in my days...) I've been using forums since the BBS times. Both as a user/member and as a moderator and administrator. Tried different software over the years and seen their pros and cons. It is probably fair to call me an experienced forum user and moderator/admin. 2. XenForo My impression of XenForo (first as a user and now running this forum) is that it's pretty good. It looks as if a forum user/admin did what I did (i.e. used and...

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