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Bicycle panniers explained



Cycling Icon
Wheel Wizard
I've made a video where I've explained all the bicycle pannier pros and cons, what to look (out) for, and how to mount panniers (in general, with an emphasis on Ortlieb panniers):

I made a set of rear wheel panniers by taking a large wire basket made for the closet to hold face cloths or small towels etc., and splitting in half. I covered the wire with coroplast from discarded election signs, then I used thin pieces of wood moulding strapped in with steel cable ties on all edges and x patterns, to hold the shape. Then I covered everything with layers of cheap duct tape and steel cable ties to hold the baskets to the bike frame and rear carrier frame. the whole outside of the baskets is also covered in duct tape. The lids have flaps that come halfway down over the outside of the panniers and are made of coroplast covered in duct tape and they are also joined to the units with cable ties.
The previous set I used cardboard instead of coroplast and they lasted 3 years including winter use, rain, whatever. These should last a lot longer.
I like them because I can make compartments within them to hold chain lock, or whatever, and they are totally waterproof, and they do not squish the bread and grapes and bananas on the way home.

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